


Where do they actually live? Are they watching us now? Do they have parents? Do they die? What are they doing now? Angels

Discover where the true church of Jesus Christ is built and what you have to do to become a member. Pg.7

This information will cause voters to change their strategies and honest politicians to change their careers. Pg.15

The Rules of Professional Players:
Aids, Adultery, Fornication, Marriage, Rape, Homosexuality, Incest, and the Crime of Prostitution. Learn what professional players know and do to avoid these pitfalls and still live an honest sexual active life. Pg.17

Jesus Christ said "Why do you not understand my language ?" If you don’t speak in tongue and want to follow Christ, after reading this page you simply and honestly will. If you already speak in tongue you will definitely change from the norm. Pg.13

Message From Jesus Christ:
Short, sweet, unbelievable but true. You probably read it in your bible or heard it in your church. Fact is you still didn’t get it because of the quick brainwashing everyone is expose to. I’ve underline what you missed and put in bold face what you should reconsider. Pg.6

Multiple choice question:
Should we all pray
A. In church
B. In school
C. Two or more
D. In secret
E. All of the above
F. You’re not sure?
The world is not telling you the truth about this one. Answer on Pg.3

After maturing from being a "babe in Christ" there is a correct way to communicate with God that will be revealed in this chapter; Also the true meaning behind the phrase "in His name". Survey shows the phrase being used incorrectly. Pg.3

Ways you should never address men. The only and correct way to address God. Pay close attention to the kids and listen to their so called mentors. They are all doing the opposite. Read about this true danger. Pg.12

The correct days to honor the Passover. Based on the Jewish calendar. Mandatory. Pg.12

Life and Death:
"A mirror of identity and reality. We see ourselves as we wish and that determines our destiny." Reading this chapter will strengthen the importance of life and clearly define the sting of death. Pg.10

The Cross:
Read what has been researched about what Jesus Christ, Moses and King Solomon agree on about the Christian symbol or the symbolism of your faith. Read the historical research of the Cross. I’ve done it all for you. Pg.4

Abomination of Desolation:
I’ll tell you exactly when, with facts and references. Pg.11

All have sinned, I’ll elaborate and I’ll also explain why you should be warned about Healings, Signs and Wonders. Pg.8

Who are worthy? Also, when Gods Spirit abodes in man here on earth, how will we know it’s Him? What are the signs of these times revealing? I’ll explain it all in a nutshell. Pg.9

If you don’t believe in hell, you shouldn't believe in God. I’ll give you the facts with references. Pg.9

Memorable Deed:
If you are going to declare the gospel you better declare this also. Quick brainwash and everybody takes it lightly. It’s a command from Jesus Christ and I’m not talking about nothing Jesus did or Calvary. Find out what this other memorable deed you should be declaring is. Mandatory. Pg.8

The Sabbath:
If you don’t know it’s Saturday. I’ll explain why in the book, but you should also know if you should work on the Sabbath. The answer is yes and no. I’ll briefly break it down for you with facts and references. Pg.7

If you’re thinking about being put under water, sprinkled, or touched by water, you probably have no clue. Let me open up your eyes to a true Baptism ordained by God. Pg.3

Jesus Christ:
We know who He is. We know what He did. We know what He came for, but there’s another side that has nothing to do with "peace". Read this chapter and know for that reason I’m here to uncover and bring forth these hidden messages. Pg.1

Conversation between me and Jesus Christ:
My thoughts as I talked to Jesus when I was considered to myself as a "babe in Christ." Pg.2

The value of bible reading:
The importance of reading the bible by Princess Adams. Another soldier on the front line for God. Pg.18

The Rapture:
Is it the day when Jesus will return and take those of us away who are worthy? Read this chapter before you answer that question. You’ll be enlightened by what you learn. Pg.19

By all means stand up for your rights, but never return evil for evil. Don’t worry Gods watching. I’ll explain. You can use this information in this evil world. Pg.16

Jesus loves you and so do I:
In this chapter I’ll share some casual talk with you about a few spiritual things. Pg.5

The original inscription at the top of the cross was meant for mockery.
I, the author replaced it with the word "Agape", which by interpretations means
"Godly love". Pg.20


My personal objective is to give to all what God has freely given to me, and that's the character and faith to love and live forever. To be that light at the end of the tunnel. To give life. To be the rope that pulls one from the quick-sand in life. To give character and self-worth. To open up the eyes of those tired of seeing deception. To make simple what satan has complicated. To uncover what greed has covered. I am accomplishing this by my daily deeds and life style, which also includes 5 percent plus of all my income to freely spreading the truth through special give away sites of my book and another 5 percent plus of all my income to the needs of the poor.

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